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Brown Rice For Toddlers

All you need to know about Brown Rice and your Baby

Is Brown Rice healthy for babies?

Brown rice is known to have many nutrients in it and is also quite compatible with many other food items. Brown rice for baby’s first food is a pretty good choice since the chances of it having any allergens is extremely low.

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Health Benefits of Brown Rice for Babies

  • 1. Given the low possibility of brown rice containing any allergens, it acts as the perfect item to introduce your baby to the world of solid foods.
  • 2. It has essential fatty acids which are important for the development of your baby.
  • 3. With copious amounts of fibre in the rice, it is the best food to be given to babies having constipation.

Unless prescribed otherwise by the doctor, babies over the age of 2 years can eat a whole Brown Rice meal. Also, Brown Rice in semi solid form can be introduce to the diet of babies aged 4 months and above.

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